AI Summary: The article explores the philosophical debate on whether mathematics is a universal truth or…
Category: Math
Math Reveals How Many Shuffles Randomizes A Deck
GPT-4: Mathematical simulations reveal that seven riffle shuffles are required to randomize a 52-card deck, while…
Why the ‘Sleeping Beauty Problem’ Is Keeping Mathematicians Awake
GPT-4: The Sleeping Beauty problem, a thought experiment in probability, has divided experts in philosophy and…
ChatGPT Gets Its “Wolfram Superpowers”!
GPT-4: ChatGPT, a large language model by OpenAI, has been integrated with Wolfram|Alpha and Wolfram Language,…
Mathematicians discover shape that can tile a wall and never repeat
Aperiodic tiling, in which shapes can fit together to create infinite patterns that never repeat, has…
Finally, a Fast Algorithm for Shortest Paths on Negative Graphs | Quanta Magazine
Researchers can now find the shortest route through a network nearly as fast as theoretically possible,…
DeepMind breaks 50-year math record using AI; new record falls a week later
AlphaTensor discovers better algorithms for matrix math, inspiring another improvement from afar. Read more at Ars…
Chaos Researchers Can Now Predict Perilous Points of No Return
A custom-built machine learning algorithm excels at the formidable task of predicting when a complex system…
New Number Systems Point Geometry Problem Toward a Real Solution | Quanta Magazine
The Kakeya conjecture predicts how much room you need to point a line in every direction.…
Researcher uses 379-year-old algorithm to crack crypto keys found in the wild
It takes only a second to crack the handful of weak keys. Are there more out…
A Spanish data scientist’s strategy to win 99% of the time at Wordle
Esteban Moro has created an algorithm to solve the trending online game that has hundreds of…
The Riemann conjecture unveiled by physics
A mystery of mathematics that has remained unsolved for more than 150 years can be unraveled…
An AI has disproved five mathematical conjectures with no human help
An artificial intelligence has disproved five mathematical conjectures, despite not being equipped with any information about…
Alien Art Drawn With Surprisingly Simple Math
Programmer [aemkei] Tweeted the formula (x ^ y) % 9 alongside code for more “alien art”.…
Mathematician Disproves 80-Year-Old Algebra Conjecture
Inside the symmetries of a crystal shape, a postdoctoral researcher has unearthed a counterexample to a…
At last! There’s an algorithm that’s closer than ever to solving the traveling salesperson problem
Planning the best route with multiple destinations is hard even for supercomputers – a new approach…
Matrix Multiplication Inches Closer to Mythic Goal
A matrix can also have entries that are themselves matrices. These four-by-four matrix matrix has four…
Mathematicians Find a New Class of Digitally Delicate Primes
Despite finding no specific examples, researchers have proved the existence of a pervasive kind of prime…
New Algorithm Breaks Speed Limit for Solving Linear Equations
By harnessing randomness, a new algorithm achieves a fundamentally novel — and faster — way of…
This Inmate Used Solitary Confinement to Learn Math. Now He’s Solving the World’s Hardest Equations
In 2010, Christopher Havens was sentenced to 25 years for murder. In 2020, his work in…