Mystery solved: 240-million-year-old reptile with ‘extraordinarily long neck’ lived in the ocean

Tanystropheus was first described in 1852 but until now, scientists didn’t know whether the 6m-long reptile…

First underwater methane leak discovered near Antarctica

What’s worse, Antarctica’s methane-eating microbes aren’t doing their jobs. Read more at…

The African continent is very slowly peeling apart. Scientists say a new ocean is being born.

New satellite measurements are offering valuable tools to study the tectonic rift in one of the…

‘Godzilla’ dust plume sweeps across the Atlantic, ESA imagery shows

Over a period of less than a month, the plume has reached the Caribbean, South America…

Hundreds of Years of Tree Rings Reveal a Grim Anomaly That Began in The 20th Century

Scientists have collected 600 years of this data to better understand climate change. The new records…

Native Americans and Polynesians Met Around 1200 A.D.

Genetic analysis of their modern descendants shows that people from the Pacific Islands and South America…

350 elephants drop dead in Botswana, some walking in circles before doing face-plants

No one knows why. Read more at…

Mysterious Emergence of Pink Ice in The Alps Could Have Dire Consequences

Scientists in Italy are investigating the mysterious appearance of pink glacial ice in the Alps, caused…

Nuclear ‘Power Balls’ May Make Meltdowns a Thing of the Past

The basic idea behind all nuclear power plants is the same: convert the heat created by…

UN reports global e-waste production soared beyond 53 million tonnes in 2019 | ZDNet

That’s equivalent to the weight of 350 cruise ships the size of the Queen Mary 2.…

Human-induced climate change reversed 6,500-year global cooling trend

What would Earth’s climate naturally be doing if it weren’t for human intervention? Researchers at Northern…

An Unexpected Radiation Spike Has Been Detected Over Europe

A mysterious increase in radiation levels over northern Europe was detected this month by authorities from…

Scientists Declare an Unprecedented ‘Anthropause’ Due to The Pandemic

The current pandemic isn’t just affecting humans, it’s also impacting wildlife. As the world locks down…

The Arctic is on fire: Siberian heat wave alarms scientists

MOSCOW (AP) — The Arctic is feverish and on fire — at least parts of it…

Earth’s rock-solid connections between Canada and Australia contain clues about the origin of life

Felsic rocks are generally relatively low density — for a rock. Half dome in California is…

Scientists claim to have recreated Earth’s first life

They claim to have recreated life. Sort of. Read more at Futurism…

Random Search Wired Into Animals May Help Them Hunt

The paper evoked a level of controversy that still surprises Viswanathan. The mathematical ideas were embraced…

Scientists Have Discovered Vast Unidentified Structures Deep Inside the Earth

Scientists combed through nearly 30 years of earthquake data to probe huge and mysterious objects near…

The US could shift to 90-percent renewable energy by 2035 at no extra cost

The US could but most probably won’t shift to 90-percent renewable energy by 2035 at no…

This frog’s babies erupt out of its back—and other surprising ways animals give birth

Mammals aren’t alone—some reptiles, amphibians, and insects give birth to live young. Read more…