Scientists say most likely number of contactable alien civilisations is 36

Experts say the work offers insights into the chances of life beyond earth. Work could shed…

NASA’s New Horizons Sees A Different Night Sky From 4 Billion Miles Away

The closest stars appear to shift relative to the more distant background stars: a geometric phenomenon…

The human brain builds structures in 11 dimensions, discover scientists

Groundbreaking research finds that the human brain creates multi-dimensional neural structures. Read more at Big Think…

PENet—a scalable deep-learning model for automated diagnosis of pulmonary embolism using volumetric CT imaging

The gold standard diagnostic modality for pe is computed tomography. A need for automated pe diagnosis…

Let This Scale Visualization Of The Speed Of Light Fill You With Wonder, Existential Dread

“Every so often, I like to have a “woah, man” moment. Usually, it can take hours…

Rare quadruplet ‘top quarks’ created at world’s largest atom smasher

Birth of these chubby-but-tiny particles could be a sign of new physics. Read more at…

Study: Dominant form of virus ‘10 times’ more infectious than original strain

“Researchers say mutation in Wuhan virus gave it sturdier spikes to latch onto cells, with lab…

New distance measurements bolster challenge to basic model of universe

A new set of precision distance measurements made with an international collection of radio telescopes have…

Scientists claim to have recreated Earth’s first life

They claim to have recreated life. Sort of. Read more at Futurism…

Random Search Wired Into Animals May Help Them Hunt

The paper evoked a level of controversy that still surprises Viswanathan. The mathematical ideas were embraced…

Astrophysicists confirm cornerstone of Einstein’s Theory of Relativity

An international collaboration of scientists has recorded the most accurate confirmation to date for one of…

Scientists Have Discovered Vast Unidentified Structures Deep Inside the Earth

Scientists combed through nearly 30 years of earthquake data to probe huge and mysterious objects near…

Scientists claim the universe is actually flat

“This result shows the power of galaxy surveys to pin down the amount of dark energy…

James Webb Space Telescope will “absolutely” not launch in March

Not surprisingly JWST lunch won’t happen according to most recent plan. Current pandemy is taking its…

A Surprise Discovery Points to the Source of Fast Radio Bursts

The mystery of where fast radio bursts come from appeared to have been solved. The astronomers…

The US could shift to 90-percent renewable energy by 2035 at no extra cost

The US could but most probably won’t shift to 90-percent renewable energy by 2035 at no…

‘Amazing’ Math Bridge Extended Beyond Fermat’s Last Theorem

For a diophantine equation, you can count how many solutions the equation has. For the kind…

The ‘Useless’ Perspective That Transformed Mathematics

Representation theory emerged in the late 19th century. In 1897, the English mathematician wrote that he…

This frog’s babies erupt out of its back—and other surprising ways animals give birth

Mammals aren’t alone—some reptiles, amphibians, and insects give birth to live young. Read more…

Are viruses alive? Perhaps we’re asking the wrong question

We don’t fully understand viruses, and we’re still trying to understand life. Read more at The…