BOOM! A New Kind of Supernova Has Been Discovered

We often think of supernova explosions as inevitable for large stars. Big star runs out of…

Unknown objects at the heart of Milky Way are sending Earth signals

Researchers detected radio waves coming from objects at the center of the Milky Way, and then…

NASA’s Curiosity Rover Drilled Holes Into Mars, And Found Something Very Strange

As it’s the foundation for all life on Earth, discovering carbon on other planets always gets…

Record-breaking supernova manages to “X-ray” the entire Universe

The first supernova ever discovered through its X-rays has an enormously powerful engine at its core.…

AI makes it possible to simulate 25 billion water molecules at once

Computer simulations of clouds of atoms and molecules must always trade scale for accuracy, but a…

NASA Says Space Debris Will Definitely Slam Into the James Webb Space Telescope

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope is officially fully deployed, but it’s not out of the woods…

The Solar System Exists Inside a Giant, Mysterious Void, And We Finally Know Why

The Solar System floats in the middle of a peculiarly empty region of space. Read more…

The James Webb Space Telescope’s Orbit Is Gonna Be Absolutely Deranged

In an animation, the James Webb Space Telescope is doing a seemingly chaotic loop-de-loop across the…

The largest suite of cosmic simulations for AI training, free to download, already spurring discoveries

Totaling 4,233 universe simulations, millions of galaxies and 350 terabytes of data, a new release from…

MIT Scientists Say Life May Have Been Detected on Venus After All

MIT scientists say sulfuric acid in the clouds of Venus could be neutralized by the presence…

Tardigrade is first multicellular organism to be quantum entangled

A tardigrade cooled to near absolute zero and placed in a state of quantum entanglement survived…

Organic molecules revealed on Mars by Curiosity’s new kind of experiment

An international team of space researchers working with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center has found previously…

Object flying at 26,000 mph through our Solar System spotted

Astronomers observed an object flying through our Solar System at 26,000 mph, and it’s stretching our…

New MOND theory able to account for cosmic microwave background

A pair of researchers at the Czech Academy of Sciences has been shaking up the astrophysics…

Physicists May Have Discovered ‘New Force of Nature’ in LHC Experiment

The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) sparked worldwide excitement in March as particle physicists reported tantalizing evidence…

The Most Monstrous Comet Ever Known Is Headed Straight for Us

Bernardinelli-Bernstein is thousands of times more massive than an average comet. Its close approach is a…

We Now Know Why There Are Dead Galaxies Floating Lost in The Void of Space

Ultra-diffuse galaxies (UDGs) are something of a mystery for astronomers. Read more at ScienceAlert…

Physicists Detect Strongest Evidence Yet of Matter Generated by Collisions of Light

According to theory, if you smash two photons together hard enough, you can generate matter: an…

NASA gives sneak peek at Europa Clipper spacecraft build process

NASA has shared some behind-the-scenes images of its Europa Clipper spacecraft build process, detailing the work…

Eternal Change for No Energy: A Time Crystal Finally Made Real | Quanta Magazine

Like a perpetual motion machine, a time crystal forever cycles between states without consuming energy. Physicists…