JWST Gazed Into The Heart of The Orion Nebula, And The View Is Sublime

The Orion nebula is one of the most studied regions of our sky. Read more at…

An Interstellar Object May Have Struck Earth. Scientists Plan to Search The Ocean

Back in 2014, an object crashed into the ocean just off the coast of Papua New…

Incredible New Footage Captures Two Stars Colliding Like We’ve Never Seen Before

The aftermath of an epic collision involving at least one neutron star has been captured for the first…

James Webb Space Telescope’s stunning ‘Phantom Galaxy’ picture looks like a wormhole

The telescope is ‘new, different, and exciting’ for Judy Schmidt, who has been working with space…

James Webb telescope is so powerful, it detected water on a distant exoplanet

NASA’s James Webb space telescope is so powerful it can even detect water and other substances…

Black holes may die differently than we thought

New research motivated by string theory suggests possible, and equally strange, fates for evaporating black holes.…

“Chance of Impact 100%” – Fifth Asteroid Ever Discovered Before Impact

Most asteroids that have impacted Earth were discovered many years, often many millions of years, after…

A Dead Rocket Just Crashed Into the Moon, and Scientists Are Thrilled

The impact likely obliterated the chunk of space junk in a white hot explosion. Read more…

Webb Telescope reaches major milestone: All its light is in one place

A single dot means we’re nearly halfway through focusing the telescope. Read more at Ars Technica…

Breaking Cosmology: Too Many Disk Galaxies – “A Significant Discrepancy Between Prediction and Reality”

A study by the University of Bonn: Observations fit poorly with the Standard Model of Cosmology.…

For The First Time, a Lone Black Hole Has Been Found Wandering The Milky Way

Like an ancient cardigan, the Milky Way should be absolutely riddled with black holes. Read more…

A strange object in space is blasting out radio waves every 18 minutes

Something extraordinarily bright in space is pulsing far slower than most similar cosmic objects, and it…

BOOM! A New Kind of Supernova Has Been Discovered

We often think of supernova explosions as inevitable for large stars. Big star runs out of…

Unknown objects at the heart of Milky Way are sending Earth signals

Researchers detected radio waves coming from objects at the center of the Milky Way, and then…

NASA’s Curiosity Rover Drilled Holes Into Mars, And Found Something Very Strange

As it’s the foundation for all life on Earth, discovering carbon on other planets always gets…

Record-breaking supernova manages to “X-ray” the entire Universe

The first supernova ever discovered through its X-rays has an enormously powerful engine at its core.…

NASA Says Space Debris Will Definitely Slam Into the James Webb Space Telescope

NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope is officially fully deployed, but it’s not out of the woods…

The Solar System Exists Inside a Giant, Mysterious Void, And We Finally Know Why

The Solar System floats in the middle of a peculiarly empty region of space. Read more…

The James Webb Space Telescope’s Orbit Is Gonna Be Absolutely Deranged

In an animation, the James Webb Space Telescope is doing a seemingly chaotic loop-de-loop across the…

The largest suite of cosmic simulations for AI training, free to download, already spurring discoveries

Totaling 4,233 universe simulations, millions of galaxies and 350 terabytes of data, a new release from…