PS3: Haxxxen uncovers new lead to further hack the PS3 –

Developer Haxxxen over at PSX-Place has discovered a new symbol in Cobra 4.21, which would allow…

ESP-WIFI-CSI detects humans with WiFi signals only, no sensor needed – CNX Software

Espressif ESP-WIFI-CSI software relies on the disturbance in the force WiFi signals between one or more…

Pinball Fantastic: ESP32 Runs DOS Emulator, Hits Jackpot

it’s running an X86 emulator powerful enough to set Digital Illusions’ 1992 DOS classic Pinball Fantasies…

New Linux Malware Framework Lets Attackers Install Rootkit on Targeted Systems

Researchers uncover “Lightning Framework,” a new Swiss Army Knife-like Linux malware that has modular plugins and…

This adorable 1-inch HDMI monitor doesn’t need a power supply

As small as an HDMI monitor gets. Read more at Ars Technica…

Bill Sideris’ Ljinux puts “a Linux Written in Python” onto your Raspberry Pi Pico’s RP2040

“Do not take this project seriously,” its creator warns. “This is not a real OS/Linux distribution,…

Raspberry Pi And The Story Of SD Card Corruption

Tales of Raspberry Pi SD card corruption are available online by the fistful, and are definitely…

Avoid Repetitive Strain Injury With Machine Learning – And Pikachu

The humble mouse has been an essential part of the desktop computing experience ever since the…

No Privacy: Cloning The AirTag

You’ve probably heard of the infamous rule 34, but we’d like to propose a new rule…

Raspberry Pi Pico Powers Chip Glitch Injector

Zap and exploit Read more at Tom’s Hardware…

This Awesome ESP32 Desktop Widget Packs in Everything But the Kitchen Sink!

Keep an eye on the time, weather and surrounding air quality at your desk with this…

ESP32 Pretends To Be GPU; Gives You A Ransomware Scare

Sometimes a piece of hardware meets a prank idea, and that’s how the fun Hackaday articles…

ThunderScope, the Open Source Software-Defined Oscilloscope, Is Coming to Crowd Supply

Up to 350 MHz analog bandwidth with 1 GaSa/s sample rate streamed to a PC at…

How to Build an E-Paper To-Do List with Raspberry Pi

Set up a simple screen that tracks our tasks. Read more at Tom’s Hardware…

PS5 Exploit: Fail0verflow show decrypted PS5 firmware files (they already have the PS5 keys???) –

What a day for the PS5 scene! After TheFloW shared what appears to be a PS5…

You can now, technically, build your own USB-C iPhone

Not for the faint of heart Read more at The Verge…

Raspberry Pi 3 Boots in Under 2 Seconds

Need to shave a few seconds off your boot time? This project is for you. Read…

Raspberry Pi E-Ink Calendar Syncs with Google Calendar

And you can take it anywhere—no cable required! Read more at Tom’s Hardware…

GitHub – unbibium/atari64: Commodore 64 OS running on Atari 8-bit hardware

Commodore 64 OS running on Atari 8-bit hardware. They are practically the same machine (beside audio…

Neural Networks Emulate Any Guitar Pedal For $120

It’s a well-established fact that a guitarist’s acumen can be accurately gauged by the size of…