The USB Null Modem Cable Is Now A Thing

The classic serial null-modem cable was, among other things, used to connect two computers together for…

Stealing Keys From The Sound Of The Lock

If you are smart, you wouldn’t hand your house key over to a stranger for a…

3D On The ZX Spectrum 48K

There are times when a project becomes such a big part of a maker’s life that…

Self-Contained Tape Loader For The ZX Spectrum

While these days we’re blessed with the magic of always-on internet connections and cloud services, back…

A Face Mask That’s Functional And Hacker-Certified

[splat238] needed a mask for going out in public, but wanted something that fit his personal…

DIY Multilingual Ebook Reader PCB

E-ink display technology has slowly come down in price since its introduction to the market in…

TinyPilot Provides KVM-over-IP, With Low Cost And Even Lower Latency

Remote access is great, but if the machine stops booting, ceases to connect to the network,…

DJing Without The Truckload Of Equipment; Secret Ingredient Is Raspberry Pi

There is a romance to notions of a byegone age of DJing — driving a pair…

Tracked Robot Makes Sand Drawings

[Ivan] seems to enjoy making 3D printed vehicles with tracks. His latest one uses 50 servo…

Raspberry Pi Foundation announces Raspberry Pi 4 with 8GB of RAM – TechCrunch

The Raspberry Pi Foundation has released a new version of its flagship model, the Raspberry Pi…

Is Most Published Research Wrong?

Mounting evidence suggests a lot of published research is false. This effect is due to either…


ZX Spectrum used composite video back in the day, but this FPGA hack brings out much…

‘​Command & Conquer’ Source Code To Be Released By EA

Electronic Arts will release the source code for two instalments of its classic real-time strategy series,…

Hackers release a new jailbreak that unlocks every iPhone – TechCrunch

A renowned iPhone hacking team has released a new “jailbreak” tool that unlocks every iPhone. The…

Remotely Phone Hacking App

At the point when the vast majority considers programmers, they consider somebody sitting in a cell…

Raspberry Pi 4 Gets USB Bootloader in New Firmware Beta

Raspberry Pi 4 Gets USB Bootloader in New Firmware Beta “Load an OS on Raspberry Pi…

[News] OpenAI Model Generates Python Code

[News] OpenAI Model Generates Python Code “This code completion engine can write an entire function from…

Microsoft Releases The Source Code You Wanted Almost 30 Years Ago

Microsoft Releases The Source Code You Wanted Almost 30 Years Ago “In the late 1970s and…

Why DirectX On Linux? Kernel Developer Questions Microsoft Developer

Why DirectX On Linux? Kernel Developer Questions Microsoft Developer “Days ago, at Build Conference 2020, Microsoft…

Windows 10 will soon be able to run Linux GUI apps directly

Windows 10 will soon be able to run Linux GUI apps directly “This is definitely not…