COVID-19 Lockdowns May Have Cooled the Moon, Study Finds

The COVID-19 pandemic has left its mark not only on Earth but, surprisingly, on the moon as well. According to a recent study published in the *Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society: Letters*, the global lockdowns seem to have influenced lunar temperatures. This curious discovery began when researchers observed a significant drop in the nighttime temperatures on the moon’s surface during the April-May 2020 period, coinciding with the peak of worldwide COVID-19 restrictions.

Using data from NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, which has been monitoring the moon since 2009, scientists from the Physical Research Laboratory in Ahmedabad, India, noticed that six specific sites on the nearside of the moon showed temperature drops of 8 to 10 degrees Kelvin. This decline was notably marked in Oceanus Procellarum, a vast lunar mare, where temperatures dipped exceptionally low.

This cooling coincided with a significant reduction in Earth’s greenhouse gas emissions during the lockdowns, suggesting a potential link between decreased human activity and lunar surface temperatures. The theory posits that with less heat being radiated from Earth due to a drop in industrial and vehicular activity, the moon’s surface registered lower temperatures. The findings imply that Earth’s atmospheric changes might have a more extensive reach, possibly extending to its celestial neighbors.

While this hypothesis offers a startling reflection on the interconnectedness of celestial bodies, it also brings into question the broader impacts of human activity. Alternative theories suggest natural lunar phenomena or solar activities could play a role, but the correlation with Earth’s pandemic-driven quiet period prompts a reevaluation of existing atmospheric and environmental models.

This unexpected insight into how terrestrial activities may influence extraterrestrial environments underscores the need for more interdisciplinary research involving climatologists, astronomers, and environmental scientists. As we continue to study these phenomena, this surprising connection between Earth’s lockdown and lunar temperatures invites us to consider more deeply the cosmic consequences of our actions on our planet and beyond.

For further details, you can read the full study at