NASA’s Lunar Orbiter Snaps Rare Photo of South Korea’s Moon Mission

NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) recently captured an unusual image above the lunar surface, initially sparking curiosity about a potential unidentified object. However, the mystery object was identified as the Korea Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter (KPLO), also known as Danuri, belonging to the Korea Aerospace Research Institute. Danuri, which launched in August 2022 as South Korea’s first Moon mission, was in a nearly parallel orbit to the LRO when the image was taken. This rare photo opportunity showcased the precision and timing required in space exploration. Danuri’s mission includes planning for future lunar pole missions and testing a delay-tolerant “lunar internet” for communication between Earth and lunar assets. The image’s peculiar appearance, showing Danuri as a blurred sliver, resulted from the LRO’s extremely short camera exposure time and the high relative velocity between the two spacecraft. This event highlights the ongoing advancements and international cooperation in lunar exploration, with both spacecraft contributing valuable data and insights for future missions.
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